デジタル庁設置と行政改革 Digital Agency be established & Administrative Reformation
新内閣発足の目玉としてデジタル庁の設置と行政改革に耳目が集まっており、働き方改革をるのかは疑問です。 Featured political measures of newly born cabinet are the establishment of “Digital Agency” and “Administrative Reformation”, which is to be encouraged to drive “Work Style Reformation” resulting in productivity improvement, however, those are the questionable policies how to lead to “Work Style Transformation” of working people.
コロナ禍で日本でもリモートワークが突然普及し、オフィス縮小や東京離れが急速に進んでいる中で、従来は”報連相”の規範のもと、対面ベースで部下と接していた上司がリモートの部下自身をまた仕事の出来を受け入れさらに、会社の成果として組み込むか戸惑っている様は容易に推察できます。 Under the CORONA pandemic, there observed sudden widespread of remote work style and rapid moving of offices away from Tokyo, thus supervisors must be bewildered and confused at facing remotely seated subordinates used to be very close and under face-to-face situation in accordance with office culture and norms “(HO-REN-SO)Report/Contact/Consultation” how to accept their outputs and compile as outcomes.
すなわち、今、上司も部下も離れてもなお、正確な対話を実現し、仕事の成果を共有するために、新たなスキルを身に付けることが必要不可欠となったと言えます。CCサイトのForumに記載の”人材の育成”を参考にしてください。 Accordingly, now under remote work style situation, supervisors and subordinates are required to learn new skill for achieving accurate communication and share outcome work. Please refer to ”Human Resource Development”, article posted in Forum of CC Web site.
2020年09月21日 深川 彰